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Writer's pictureVicky Huff

The Decline

I was 17 when I came into the idea that weighing 140 pounds was overweight. I actually remember this day very vividly. I was hanging at this sketchy radio shop in Channelview, Texas with my boyfriend at the time and a couple that we were friends with getting a new radio installed in my ole hoopty car! I do not remember the conversations leading up to this point but the other girl that was with us had mentioned weight. I casually told her “oh yea, just lost 30 pounds I weigh about 140 now.” The girl looks at me and says “I weigh about the same! But this is the biggest I’ve ever been.”

That sentence “the biggest I’ve ever been.” Went on to impact my life in such a negative way that I wish I could erase the whole conversation. But I can’t and now that Is part of my journey!

After that moment I caught myself constantly comparing my weight to that of another. I would say well so and so weighs this much and I am 5 pounds heavier so I have to lose this to be as good as her.

Read that again.

”I am 5 pounds heavier so I have to lose this to be as good as her.”

Now how many of you guys have actually had that thought before? I’m sure a good few. I know this because as I’ve gotten older I have heard that said to me more times than I can count. Which is the sad reality that we are living in.

We define how “good” we are by the number we see on the scale.

I am literally nauseus just typing that out. I can not believe that I even said those words to myself!

With negative talk comes negative responses right?! If you are constantly comparing yourself to sally sue down the road your always going to find something wrong with YOU.

Love who you are. The body only carries YOU. Focus on accepting your body for what it can do. Body comparison is not ever going to SERVE you. Everyones body type is different. Every second you spend thinking or wishing you looked like someone else is seconds and moments taken away from your time on this planet.

Don’t waste the precious time we have been given on wishing you looked like Kim K.



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